FREE Marketing Strategy Session

In 60 Minutes Or Less We'll Show You How To Get In Front Of More High-Quality Prospects That WANT Your Services And Are Ready To Buy

I Want To Give You The Missing Piece To The Puzzle That Might Double, Triple, Or Even Quadruple Your IT Services Business, Absolutely FREE! 

Do you feel you should be more successful in your IT services business by now, making more money with greater ease than you are today? 
Are you unsure about where to start when it comes to marketing? Perhaps you’re excellent at the technical aspects of running an IT services business, but simply lack the expertise in sales and marketing you need

Does it frustrate you how difficult it is to get prospective clients to see the value of what you do… and does it aggravate you how unwilling they are to pay for quality IT services and support? Are you fed up competing on price and having to work so hard to get a client to understand WHY they need the specific services you are recommending?
I completely understand and agree… it SHOULD be easier to sell managed services and IT support.
The good news is that it CAN be. You CAN attract more appreciative, well-behaved and profitable clients. You CAN implement marketing systems to magnetically attract the types of clients you want who are willing and happy to pay for your services. You CAN stop being an advertising neophyte and avoid getting “taken” by advertising salespeople who use your ignorance to abuse you. I know because I’ve already done this for thousands of IT services firms just like yours. And I want to help YOU.

Here's What I'm Offering You

If you qualify, I want to give you a strategic marketing planning session with one of my most experienced Business Coaches, PLUS our proprietary IT Marketing Roadmap that we have perfected over the last 20 years, working with over 10,000 IT services firms. This roadmap will show you how to approach the process of implementing a marketing plan to fuel sales, attract more QUALITY clients and reveal hidden opportunities for growth and profits I can guarantee you’re blind to or grossly negligent in capitalizing on.
There’s no charge for this, and it only requires you to complete a confidential Marketing Analysis Questionnaire so we can prepare for your private consultation. This call will last approximately 60 minutes, but during that brief time we will show you NEW possibilities, NEW opportunities and reveal why you’re struggling.

You’ll also discover whether or not your IT business’s revenues, profits, growth and goals are industry average, below par or above par, measured against actual numbers and key performance indicators from thousands of other IT service firms of your size and tenure in business. Essentially, how do you stack up? After doing this for 21 years, we’ve not only gotten pretty good at helping MSPs and IT services firms get results fast, but also know how well you’re doing compared to the industry as a whole .


Things You Can Expect From This Strategy Session:


Things You Can Expect From This Strategy Session:

ANSWERS. You’ll get ANSWERS to your specific questions about implementing a marketing plan, attracting more clients, where to start, what results to expect and what is REQUIRED for you to even begin to compete against the growing commoditization of IT services. Your every question answered directly, no stone left unturned. You’ll also get an incredibly thought-provoking examination of your current business and what opportunities for more growth, profit and client retention you are grossly negligent about, overlooking and completely missing. This WILL be an eye-opening session for you.
A MARKETING ROADMAP. As mentioned, we’ll give you our proprietary Marketing Roadmap that has been developed after working with over 10,000 IT services firms, both large and small, from big metropolitan cities to rural America. Start-ups to mature MSPs generating over $30 million in revenue. There isn’t a single problem we haven’t seen or solved.

Our Roadmap will detail 4 critical elements you MUST HAVE RIGHT in order to compete and attract the “sweet spot” clients you want. If you’re struggling to get more clients, it you’re constantly running into price resistance, sales stalls and delays, and you aren’t getting referred, I can practically guarantee you’re missing one (or more) of these critical elements – and NO OTHER MARKETING FIRM WILL TELL YOU THIS INFORMATION. In fact, most don’t even KNOW it or use it for themselves.
HELP. After reviewing your specific goals, challenges, resources, budget and situation, we will prescribe which of our programs can best help you. This will not be a sales trap you are lured into and abused by. At the end of the consultation, we’ll simply give you options and details on the most appropriate services and programs for you, so you can make an informed, intelligent decision on whether or not we should work together. We will ask you to make a decision – and it’s perfectly okay if you decide we’re not right for you.

This Is NOT For Everybody; 
Here's Who We Can Help And What We Require

Bluntly, you don’t qualify simply because you run an IT services business and can write a check. If you’re NOT motivated to grow… if you are so tech-minded that you carry a deeply embedded negative bias against selling and marketing… if you aren’t willing to keep an open mind about NEW ways of marketing… or if you’re just bitter and skeptical about everything and everyone, you’re not for us.

But if you are hardworking, ambitious and smart – yet are constantly held back due to your inability to strike an effective, reliable and consistent way to get more clients – if you see your lack of marketing as a weakness that makes you vulnerable to bigger, more well-funded competitors and anxious about the stability of your income, I URGE you take us up on this offer.

I have a strict (but reasonable) set of criteria that must be met in order for us to proceed: 
You have to be ready and willing to implement a marketing plan. 
This offer is ONLY for those IT firms and MSPs who actually want to implement a working marketing plan for their business. This is NOT a get-rich-quick deal or one of those fast and simple marketing “hacks” sold online today. Our system is a complete, highly strategic marketing plan that will take you a year or more to fully implement. That’s not to say you won’t make money right away or see success quickly – if you do the work, you will. But real, lasting success in business takes time. If you aren’t willing to put the work in, this is probably not for you. 
You must be the owner of the business.
Due to the nature of the advice that we’ll give you and the conversation we’ll be having, you must be the owner of the business. If you have a business partner, spouse or other key employee, you should have them present as well. (NOTE: Only invite people you are comfortable discussing sales numbers, profits and other financial and business-health details in front of, for obvious reasons.)
 If you are a marketing manager, sales manager or operations person, we’d be happy to answer questions you have about our programs and our company, but through a different process. Call the office and we’ll direct you from there: 615-790-5011.
You must have an open mind and be able to focus and listen.
Come to the call with a positive attitude and open mind and really engage with us. The call will last about an hour, so please set aside time away from distractions and interruptions so we can have a serious conversation. You must be in front of your PC (not driving, walking, exercising or otherwise preoccupied). If you won’t take this process seriously and be a professional, we can’t help you.

If You Meet The Above Criteria, Here's What To Do RIGHT NOW

Step #1: Complete the form below to get started.
Step #2: Once you have completed your Marketing Analysis Questionnaire, you will be presented with an online calendar to self-select a time that is most convenient for you to hold this call. This session will last approximately 60 minutes, depending on how many questions you have, so please clear your calendar of any distractions during this time. 
Step #3: Your application will be reviewed and, provided you meet all the criteria outlines in here, one of my Client Concierges will send you pre-meeting materials that you MUST REVIEW IN ADVANCE of your consultation. You will find this information extremely beneficial and interesting – and an “easy” read (most will be short, informational videos.) These are NOT just “brochures” about us, but detailed information on our approach to marketing, case history and client examples, along with answers to questions I’m sure you have about us, our approach, our clients and our capabilities.

One Final Thought If You're Thinking Now 
Isn't The Right Time...

Below is a REAL response from the owner of an IT services company who saw this very same offer. I modified it to protect the identity of the person who sent it to me:
"I’m not even sure why I’m taking to you. I can’t afford what you’re selling and it won’t fix what is broken. I’m 64. I’ll be 65 in a few months. My health is OK, but not the greatest. I have a very small amount in retirement, but nowhere near enough to live on.

I have obligations and a wife whom I love dearly, but I really can’t support her. I knew everything I had to do, but I just never got it done. I guess I was just too stubborn. I didn’t want to do [business] managed services; I wanted to do residential, but I didn’t know how to sell it. Yet I didn’t go to sales training. I tried a little f this marketing and a little of that, but nothing seemed to work. I’ve now had this aha moment – but it came pretty late.

I don’t really know what to do. Maybe I’ll go sell cars or something. But who would hire a 65-year-old with no experience? There’s no way to go back and undo what I’ve done, no rerun button. So here I sit. I have 100 residential clients, and really want 200 – but no one wants to buy this great service I have for $40/month."
This is a perfect example of what happens to the person who ALWAYS said, “Next month I’ll get to marketing,” or “I can’t afford to learn how to sell and get more clients.” How about you? Are you on this same excuse train, putting off getting serious about marketing until the “right” time?

If so, you are FALLING BEHIND. Every day matters. Days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months, then years. Losses stack and multiply – and every dollar lost today CANNOT be invested, CANNOT be put to work in your business, CANNOT be multiplied.

Your inability to bring in a client is a vulnerability… a weakness… that shouldn’t be ignored, put off, procrastinated on. You’ve already put this off long enough. Let’s book your consult right now: 
Dedicated to your success,
Robin Robins
President, The Marketing Team

Let's Get Started!

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IMPORTANT: We reserve the right to deny your application if we feel you do not meet the criteria outlined here. Please ONLY apply if you are the owner of an IT services company that is genuinely serious about growing your IT services business, attracting more clients and implementing a quality professional marketing plan.
IT Services & MSP Marketing Plans
5301 Maryland Way Suite 300 Brentwood, TN 37027
Phone: 615-790-5011 | Fax: 615-595-1448 | E-mail: or